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Long Cross Pennies
Chronology and Dating
The sequence in which the various classes and sub-classes of long cross pennies were struck is fairly clear from a combination of contemporary records and evidence provided by the coins themselves. The coin evidence is gleaned from the moneyers named on their reverses, the dies and punches used in their manufacture, and information arising from the discovery of hoards.
The early classes, 1 to 4, can be dated quite closely, but the later ones, 5 to 7, which were produced over a much longer period of time, present a greater challenge. The best clues are provided by contemporary records, mainly those dealing with the appointment, succession and death of some of the moneyers. These are considered in more detail in a separate section of the article (see link below).
The dates shown below are based on the assumption that all the classes are sequential, but some of the sub-classes may have been struck concurrently, or at least have overlapped. In this context it is important to bear in mind that the sub-classes are artificial; they have been created and assigned by 20th century numismatists and would be quite meaningless to a 13th century mint official. Further details regarding dating, and an indication of the margins of error, are given in the documentary evidence section.
Class 1a
Class 1b
Class 2a
Class 2b
Class 3a and 3ab
Class 3b and 3bc
Class 3c
Class 3d
Class 4
Class 5a
Class 5b
Class 5c
Class 5d
Class 5e
Class 5f
Class 5g
Class 5h
Class 5i
Class 6
Class 7
1247 - 1248
1248 - 1249
1249 - 1250
1250 - 1251
1251 - c.1253
c.1253 - c.1256
c.1257 - c.1258
c.1258 - c.1270
c.1270 - c.1272
c.1272 - c.1275
c.1275 - 1278